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5 Questions to Ask Before Your First Dental Sedation Appointment


Here are 5 questions you should ask before your sedation appointment.

For sufferers of dental anxiety, movement disorders, low pain tolerance, and high sensitivity, going to the dentist can be excruciating. Fortunately, these people can turn to dental sedation to get the oral care they need. If this describes you, it is best to do your due diligence before committing to a specific provider in St. Louis. Here are 5 questions you should ask before your sedation appointment.

discussing sedation with dentist

Does Sedation Make Sense For Me?

Though sedation dentistry is a safe and effective practice, it is unnecessary for some patients. If you do not have issues with your regular dental visits, you should probably stick with conventional appointments. The most common situations where you should consider sedation are if you suffer from anxiety, high sensitivity, low pain tolerance, or an involuntary movement disorder. Additionally, patients opt for this type of dentistry when undergoing lengthy procedures. If none of those situations describe yours, your dentist will likely decide that sedation is not right for you.

What Kind of Sedation Will You Use?

In general, dentists use three types of sedation. They are as follows.

Oral – This usually means taking an anti-anxiety pill like Valium and leads to low-level sedation.

Nitrous Oxide – For this sedation method, the dentist will have you inhale a gas throughout your treatment.

IV – With the IV approach, the dentist will inject a chemical straight into your vein. This method is generally used for moderate-high levels of sedation.

Depending on the conditions surrounding your treatment, your dentist will use one of these options or a combination of them. Each of them come with a slightly different experience, so knowing which to prepare for is important. Additionally, if you are uncomfortable with one of those forms, you can discuss this with your dentist.

What Credentials Do You Have?

Medical professionals need to obtain training and certification before administering sedation. While there is next to no chance that your dentist will give sedation without proper documentation, it is still worth your time to ask.

How Long Have You Been a Sedation Dentist?

Another factor to watch out for is experience. Every dentist has to start somewhere, but you probably do not want to be one of their first patients. Instead, look for a provider that has been working on sedated patients for many years. Doing so will ensure top quality service and safety.

What Safety Precautions Do You Take During the Treatment?

If your dentist sedates you anywhere beyond a low level, there are a few low-probability health risks that come with it. That being said, paying attention to vital signs such as heart rate will nearly eliminate that risk. When choosing a dentist, try to find one that monitors you while you’re sedated and knows what to do if things go awry.

When you find a sedation dentist in St. Louis, you should consider asking them the questions on this list before fully committing. Any good dentist will happily answer them in a straightforward manner. Once you have your answers, you can go forward with your appointment as planned.

Call today to schedule an appointment

(314) 862-7844

Updated: February 13, 2019

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