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How Your Dentist Decides What Type of Sedation Is Right for You

St. Louis Sedation Dentistry

Based on the level of sedation needed and the risks associated with your health condition or the medication you use, your dentist will determine the right sedation method for you. Many dental patients require sedation dentistry for one reason or another but aren’t sure what type of sedation will be required in their particular case. …

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Updated: August 31, 2023

How Long Does Sedation Dentistry Last?

local anesthetic allergies

Sedation dentistry is a great option for the patients who have dental anxiety or have to go through long lasting procedures that require them to sit still for hours at a time. It is also generally safe to use for children because they often cannot stay still for a long time during the needed treatment. …

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Updated: August 15, 2024

Factors That Determine Which Type of Sedation You Receive

Special Needs Dentistry

The best way to determine which type of sedation dentistry is best for you or your loved one is to visit our office. One of the issues that you might have with sedation dentistry is not knowing which type of sedation you will receive. Fortunately, there are a variety of guidelines that help make this …

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Updated: April 9, 2020