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Preparing for a Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure


Our cosmetic dentistry office has many options for correcting any imperfections in your smile. We’ll provide exceptional patient care in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere to ensure your procedure is easy and successful.

Cosmetic dentistry is an excellent option to enhance your smile, repair any damage to your teeth, improve your oral health, and boost confidence. However, these treatments require time and preparedness. Preparing will help you know your goals and what you should expect after the cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Here are five tips to help you prepare for a successful cosmetic dentistry procedure:

1. Schedule Your Consultation

The first step to a successful smile makeover experience is to schedule a sit-down with a cosmetic dentist. A consultation visit will allow you to familiarize yourself with the cosmetic dentist and ask questions about the procedure. It will also help find out if the dentist can address your specific concerns.

After the initial consultation visit, you can schedule a follow-up visit for an extensive dental examination. A comprehensive dental examination will allow the dentist to assess the overall dental health in preparation for the procedure.

2. Get Pictures

When you visit a cosmetic dentist, make sure you bring some photos to show what you want. Pictures are essential as they help the cosmetic dentist know what equipment and procedures to use to ensure you get the image you are looking for.

Additionally, look at pictures in the dentist’s office or website to better understand how you might look after the procedure.

3. Explore Your Options

There are different types of dental procedures to help enhance your smile and improve your teeth’ appearance. They include teeth whitening, composite bonding, custom dental veneers, porcelain crowns, dental implants, white fillings, braces, and tooth and gum recontouring. With proper preparation, you can make the most out of the results from these procedures.

4. Discuss Your Budget

Once you’ve had an overview of the different feasible cosmetic dentistry procedures, it’s time to discuss your budget. Inform the dentist on how much you are willing to spend on the procedure. Openly communicating your budget with the dentist will make it easier for them to fit the treatment into your budget. What’s more, you may find that your smile makeover treatment isn’t as expensive as you anticipated it to be.

5. Schedule Your Treatment

Once you have chosen your desired procedure and discussed the available payment options, it’s now time to undergo your treatment.

After a cosmetic procedure, you might feel discomfort and experience swelling. However, your dentist will prescribe some antibiotics to aid in healing. For a quick recovery, it is critical to adhere to all the dentist’s orders. This includes brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, flossing at least once a day, eating a balanced diet, keeping off starchy or sugary foods, and rinsing your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash.

Also, as part of the healing process, the dentist will likely schedule post-treatment appointments to ensure everything is okay.

Cosmetic Dentist in St. Louis

Are you in St. Louis, Missouri, and looking for a cosmetic dentist to help you fix your smile? Contact friendly dentists at The Dental Anesthesia Center. Our cosmetic dentistry office has many options for correcting any imperfections in your smile. We’ll provide exceptional patient care in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere to ensure your procedure is easy and successful. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

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The only board-certified dental anesthesiologist in Missouri, including St. Louis.

Updated: August 31, 2023

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