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FAQs About Sedation Dentistry


Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way for many patients to receive dental treatment. We will answer any questions you have about your upcoming procedure.

We understand that you likely have many questions about sedation dentistry before receiving your treatment. If you are considering sedation dentistry or have an upcoming appointment scheduled, we will be glad to help you understand the entire process. Here are some of the most common questions patients have about sedation dentistry and the answers to each.

What is sedation dentistry?

Many people experience anxiety when they need to go to the dentist. For some patients, the anxiety is severe. Other patients have physical or mental disabilities that make going to the dentist challenging. However, sedation dentistry can be used for invasive dental procedures, general tooth cleaning, and X-rays.

The patient is given medication to help them relax during the procedure. Patients are typically conscious during the process, except for those under general anesthesia. The levels of sedation include:

  • Minimal sedation
  • Moderate sedation
  • Deep sedation
  • General anesthesia

Is sleep dentistry the same as sedation dentistry?

The terms are often interchanged, which does confuse the subject. While sleep dentistry is a type of sedation dentistry, general anesthesia is administered to put you to sleep during your dental procedure. For minimal to moderate sedation, the patient is simply relaxed, not asleep. However, some patients become so relaxed during minimal to deep sedation that they fall asleep.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, sedation dentistry is a safe and effective way for many patients to receive dental treatment. On your initial visit, Drs. Hoffmann or Thoms will need to know your medical history and current medical condition to help you decide which sedation method is suitable for your needs.

Will you be able to remember the dental visit?

This depends on the level of sedation selected. Patients who undergo minimal and moderate sedation can hear the dentist and staff during the treatment and respond if asked to move their heads or open their mouths. Patients undergoing general anesthesia will not be conscious during the procedure, so they will not remember the treatment.

How long does it take for the sedation to wear off?

The time it takes for the sedatives to wear off depends on several factors. These include:

  • The does you received
  • How long your treatment lasted
  • How quickly your body can recover

When a patient undergoes sedation, they will feel drowsy and possibly a little dizzy. Therefore, a friend or family member must pick you up from your appointment.

Are you a good candidate for sedation dentistry?

Any patient who experiences dental anxiety, has a dental phobia, or special needs, is a good candidate for sedation dentistry. If you have any of the following needs, ask Dr. Hoffmann about sedation dentistry as an option for your following dental procedure:

  • Afraid of needles or shots
  • Extreme dental anxiety or fear of going to the dentist
  • Have had a past traumatic dental experience
  • Have a low pain threshold
  • Sensitive gag reflex
  • Need extensive treatment
  • Have physical disabilities
  • Have mental disabilities
  • Have behavioral disabilities

Ask The Dental Anesthesia Center

Above are some of the most common questions patients ask about sedation dentistry. You likely have others, and we would be glad to answer those for you too.

At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we value our patient relationships, making it our priority to deliver the gentle dental care that you deserve from sedation dentists in St. Louis. We work hard to make you feel at ease by providing exceptional patient care in a relaxed, convenient atmosphere. We strive to develop lifelong relationships with our patients by combining the latest dental technology with a professional and compassionate team.

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The first two board-certified Dentist Anesthesiologists in the state of Missouri.

Updated: August 31, 2023

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