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The Best and Worst Drinks for Pediatric Oral Health

St Louis Pediatric Dentist

With a little bit of education and action, you can keep your whole family’s mouths healthy. Many stresses come with parenting, and one of them is what to feed your child. Not only is it difficult to spend the time and energy preparing healthy food and drinks, but with all the misinformation in the health …

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Updated: February 13, 2019

The Rising Popularity of Sedation Dentistry

St. Louis woman after getting a filling at a dentist's office

It is estimated that up to 10% of people have a legitimate dental phobia, and another 50% or so feel significant dental anxiety. Recently, sedation dentistry has been taking the dental industry by storm. Between the internet, billboards, and newspapers, it seems like it is being advertised everywhere. This rise in popularity is no accident. …

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Updated: February 6, 2024

How to Keep Your Child’s Summer Cavity-Free

keep your child cavity free

Between stubbornness, unhealthy foods, and busy schedules, maintaining your child’s oral health is a tough task. Keeping your child cavity-free may get a lot tougher in the summer. Not only do children’s schedules get more irregular in the Summer months, but their food choices also suffer. This shouldn’t discourage you, though. With enough careful attention, …

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Updated: November 24, 2020

5 Common Reasons Your Child’s Gums Are Bleeding

toddler bleeding gums

If your child’s gums are bleeding, it is not the end of the world, but it is an issue that requires your attention. A parent never wants to see their child bleeding. You may be afraid at first, but then compose yourself, diagnose the issue, and solve it. What makes gum bleeding so frustrating is …

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Updated: March 25, 2022

Don’t Be Afraid to Request Sedation for Your Dental Procedure!

Sedation Dentistry St. Louis

There is no need to suffer through a dental procedure or to avoid one out of fear or anxiety. Not everyone has a great impression of going to the dentist. Statistics indicate that as many as 50% of Americans fear going to the dentist, even for just a regular dental exam. Whether you have had …

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Updated: February 13, 2019