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3 Simple Ways to Protect Your Child’s Tooth Enamel

little girl brushing her teeth

Prevent a number of potential oral health problems by protecting your child’s tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the most important line of defense for our teeth. Erosion can weaken and expose them to decay and other problems. Oral hygiene is paramount for our children as it can impact not only the appearance of their teeth …

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Updated: August 31, 2021

7 Vitamins That Are Great for Your Teeth

making healthy choices for your teeth

These seven vitamins will contribute greatly to you or your child’s oral health. In the dental industry, we talk a lot about what foods you shouldn’t eat. The reason is that most oral health issues stem from the combination of improper eating and lack of cleaning. What we discuss less are the foods that improve …

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Updated: January 31, 2019

Factors That Determine Which Type of Sedation You Receive

Special Needs Dentistry

The best way to determine which type of sedation dentistry is best for you or your loved one is to visit our office. One of the issues that you might have with sedation dentistry is not knowing which type of sedation you will receive. Fortunately, there are a variety of guidelines that help make this …

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Updated: April 9, 2020

5 Ways to Help Your Child Feel Relaxed at the Dentist

child scared of dentist

Does your child experience anxiety or misbehave at the dentist’s office? If so, the following tips can help! Though many children react positively to dentists and other medical providers, some have issues with going to appointments. The most common results are anxiety, rebellion, and generally misbehaving. This behavior can be incredibly frustrating for parents. Fortunately, …

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Updated: September 4, 2024

The Top 3 Reasons Why Kids Get Cavities

mother looking at childs teeth

Following these simple tips can result in your children being happy and healthy for years to come. Let’s start by discussing the process behind cavities. First, tiny pieces of harmful foods get caught in the teeth and gums. Next, if the person does not have a sufficient oral care routine, they turn into harmful plaque. …

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Updated: March 20, 2020