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3 Cosmetic Dentistry Options to Brighten Up Your Smile

cosmetic dentist in st louis

Cosmetic Dentistry has become a vital and important part of the dental profession. Many people avoid the camera because they do not like to smile. They are hesitant to smile to show their unattractive set of teeth or the unpleasant gaps between them. However, cosmetic dentistry has certain dental procedures to help overcome these issues. …

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Updated: August 15, 2024

Special Needs Dentistry: Dental First Aid Checklist for Your Babysitter

St Louis Pediatric Dentist

Here is a dental first aid checklist that is helpful for parents to go over with their babysitter. For most of us having a reliable and efficient babysitter is a huge asset. However, even the best of babysitters may not know the basics of first aid particularly when it comes to dental injuries. In this …

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Updated: March 25, 2022

Tips to Ensure Your Child Has an Attractive Smile and Healthy Mouth

group of children smiling

Teaching your child to have good oral habits at a very young age will ensure they have an attractive smile and healthy mouth. Teaching your child to have good oral care habits is an investment in their health that will pay off for a lifetime. How can you achieve it? Start early. Follow an oral …

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Updated: March 25, 2022

Tips on Buying a Toothbrush for Your Child

St. Louis girl brushing her teeth

A good toothbrush is an important tool for good oral health, so it is important to make a wise decision for your child. A good toothbrush is an important asset for maintaining a healthy and sparkling set of teeth. Toothbrushes come in various shapes and sizes. Because there are such a wide variety of options …

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Updated: March 25, 2022

IV Sedation and Acute Dental Visit Anxiety

Sedation Dentist in St Louis

To ease anxiety, dentistry has developed sedation methods that help patients relax during dental treatment. Did you know 50% of people admit to some form of anxiety visiting the dentist, with roughly 1 in 6 avoiding dental care altogether because of it? To ease anxiety, dentistry has developed sedation methods that help patients relax during …

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Updated: August 15, 2024