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Is Sedation Risky for Patients with Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?

Oral sedation St Louis

At your appointment, we will decide which sedation option is the best for you based on any pre-existing medical conditions. Sedation dentistry is something that may sound intimidating. But thanks to more sedation medications, there are many ways to relax a patient regardless of their age or any pre-existing medical conditions. If you are worried …

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Updated: January 31, 2024

Will Flossing Really Help Your Child Have Good Oral Health?

flossing childs teeth

The dental regime that you start early on in life does have a huge bearing on their oral health in the future. The question of whether flossing is essential to a person’s dental health continues to be debated in dental circles. Some studies indicate that flossing does nothing to help with tooth decay, while others …

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Updated: January 31, 2024

When is the Right Time to Have Your Child Evaluated for Braces?

pediatric dentistry st louis

Your child’s pediatric dentist can help you determine the right time to have their teeth evaluated for braces. The best-case scenario is that your child’s teeth are perfect and that they don’t need orthodontic work. But for most kids, that is unfortunately not the case. Braces aren’t just about aesthetic appearances; they can also be necessary …

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Updated: January 31, 2024

Are Nitrous Oxide and Oral Sedation Enough for My Dental Procedure?

Oral sedation dentist

When you come in for your appointment, we will decide which level of dental sedation is best for you. The reason that many people have a fear of the dentist is that they have had a procedure in the past that didn’t go so well and wasn’t very pleasant. If you are avoiding a dental …

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Updated: January 31, 2024