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5 Pediatric Dental Health Tips For Fall

halloween dental health

Fall is here in St. Louis, which means school is back in session, football is here, and the leaves are changing. Another thing that often goes on in Fall is a decline in children’s oral health. The reasons for this include falling out of routines, Halloween candy, sugary drinks, and more. Below, we will discuss …

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Updated: January 18, 2019

Why Sedation Dentistry Is Especially Useful for Parents

St. Louis child at dentist

Dental sedation can be an excellent choice for children who suffer from dental anxiety! Some St. Louis parents have no issues taking their child to the dentist. They simply make an appointment, bring their child in, stand by as the child gets their treatment, and leave without any stress. For other parents, this is not …

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Updated: August 31, 2021

The 5 Factors That Really Matter in Pediatric Oral Health

Tips for Healthy Teeth

If you do these few things effectively, you will set your child up for a lifetime of excellent oral health. As a parent, you are constantly bombarded with marketing campaigns pertaining to your child’s health. Though this is true of many domains, it also applies to oral care. Between mouthwashes, vibrating toothbrushes, special toothpaste, and …

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Updated: September 21, 2018

Is Your Child Suffering from Bruxism?

child getting a check up at dentist

Because bruxism (teeth grinding) has many negative consequences, you should talk to a St. Louis pediatric dentist right away if you think your child may be at risk. As a parent, there are few things worse than your child coming to you with a pain that they don’t understand. Even worse, you might not be …

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Updated: May 9, 2019

The Truth Behind 5 Sedation Dentistry Myths

Pediatric Oral Sedation

Though sedation dentistry has gained an incredible amount of popularity in recent years, there is still a significant amount of misinformation about it.   Perhaps the reason for this is that dental sedation causes partial loss of consciousness, which makes it somewhat scary and mysterious to some people. Whatever the reason is, we are here …

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Updated: September 20, 2018