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How Sealants Can Help Your Children Avoid Cavities

Dental Sealants St. Louis

We are a full-service dental practice providing care to various patients for all of their dental needs. If you have young children, you might want to look into getting sealants for them. The reason is that this treatment is incredibly successful when it comes to cavity prevention and general oral health optimization. Below, we provide …

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Updated: November 21, 2022

How is Dental Sedation Administered?

St. Louis Sedation Dentist

Sedation dentistry stimulates a state of deep relaxation and a sensation of not being concerned with what’s going on. If you suffer from dental anxiety or any other condition that keeps you from going to the dentist, you should consider dental sedation. If the idea of doing so gives you further anxiety, the best thing …

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Updated: November 21, 2018

6 Tips to Beat Nausea After Dental Sedation

woman who is nauseous after dental sedation

Here are six tips to help you feel better if you are feeling nauseous after your dental procedure. Dental sedation has many positives for those that have trouble going to the dentist. The most important of them is the simple fact that they can get their oral treatment comfortably, instead of avoiding it altogether. Still, …

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Updated: August 14, 2024

Why Sedation Might Cure Your Dental Anxiety Completely

Sedation Dentist for Anxiety

Our sedation dentists can help you get your needed oral health treatment, no matter how much anxiety you have. Do you ever feel anxious when you think about going to the dentist? If so, you’re not alone, and if not, you likely know someone that does. The reason is that dental anxiety is incredibly common. …

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Updated: December 16, 2020

6 Things to Do After Dental Sedation

dental sedation

Here are six tips to help you feel normal quickly after dental sedation. Patients are often scared of sedation, despite how safe the practice is. One of the crucial reasons why is the strange feelings that people experience when they come off of the sedative, which might include nausea, confusion, and disorientation. Here are six …

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Updated: September 4, 2024

How to Get past a Traumatic Dental Experience

traumatic dental experience

One of the most common reasons why people suffer from dental anxiety is a traumatic experience in their past. Whether they were a child or an adult, a dentist visit that goes wrong can have lasting psychological effects for many patients. Fortunately, those that suffer from trauma have options. Respect the Statistics No matter what …

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Updated: August 14, 2024