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Why You Should Discuss Your Medical History with Your Dentist

discussing medical history with dentist

Having this information available and updated regularly will help your St. Louis sedation dentist paint a better picture of your overall health and give you the best treatment option for your oral health. Sedation dentistry keeps patients calm enough to receive needed treatment safely and with no discomfort. Sedation is used during long and complex …

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Treating Gum Disease with Dental Sedation

sedation dentist for gum disease

Dental sedation can be an excellent option for those with dental anxiety who have gum disease. Oral health is linked to the general health of the body, influencing other big systems, like the cardiovascular, digestive or skeletal systems. Keeping your gums and teeth healthy and clean goes far beyond a pleasant appearance, as it directly …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

Do Cavity Fillings Make You Anxious? Sedation Might Be the Solution!

woman discussing anxiety with dentist

Talk about your fears with your St. Louis sedation dentist. Don’t hesitate to let them know if certain dental procedures make you nervous. Many people believe that only anxious people can ask for sedation dentistry or those who need extensive, complex surgery. Not everyone considers the possibility of being administered sedatives for getting a cavity …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

5 Sedation Options for Wisdom Tooth Removal

wisdom teeth x-ray

Wisdom teeth are troublemakers for many people, as they can become painfully jammed between bone and the other teeth. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about long and painful dental procedures? You are likely thinking about wisdom tooth removal. Wisdom teeth are troublemakers for many people, as they can become …

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Updated: August 14, 2024

4 Sedation Dentistry Myths Busted

local anesthetic allergies

Although the number of patients that are treated through sedation dentistry is rising, some may still be relatively skeptical about this procedure. Whether is an exaggeration of the risks involved or a lack of trust in the medical staff, some patients will refuse sedation dentistry even though it might help them receive the treatment they …

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Updated: September 4, 2024