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How Sedation Can Help With Dental Bone Grafting

sedation dental bone grafting

Bone grafting is a complex surgical procedure used to replace missing bone tissue and encourage it to heal. Here’s what you need to know about it how sedation dentistry can help. When Is Bone Grafting Recommended in Dentistry? If you need a tooth replacement, the dentist must insert the implant in your jaw bone, fixing …

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Updated: August 14, 2024

When Is It Too Soon for My Child to Lose His Baby Teeth?

baby teeth

The natural process of losing baby teeth should be expected somewhere around 6 years of age. Children grow amazingly fast in the first years of life, and parents are sometimes taken by surprise by this rollercoaster of mental leaps and growth spurts that come one after the other. Witnessing such rapid development is a delightful …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

Is My Kid Too Young for an Electric Toothbrush?

electric toothbrush on sink

As medical advice is often updated with the recommendations parents are often confused with the details of oral hygiene during the first few years of their child’s life. Parents nowadays understand that good oral hygiene starts in infancy. How you care for your baby’s first pearly whites can set up the foundation of healthy teeth …

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Updated: September 9, 2019

How the Right Dental Sedation Team Can Make All the Difference

St. Louis General Dentist

Make sure your dental sedation team has not only the qualifications but also the empathy and understanding needed to help you relax. Whether you are afraid of the dentist or have to undergo lengthy treatment, sedation isn’t always an easy decision. You have to ensure that your dental sedation team has not only the qualifications …

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Updated: February 6, 2024

Can I Eat Before or After Sedation Dentistry?

St. Louis woman talking with her dentist

If you are scheduled for sedation dentistry, make sure to go through all the details with your doctor, including whether you can eat before your procedure. Sedation dentistry helps a lot of people get over their dental anxiety or help them sit still during lengthy procedures when they normally wouldn’t be able to. The use …

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Updated: August 14, 2024