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What Are the Benefits of IV Sedation? Are There Risks?

iv for dental sedation

If you are considering IV sedation for your dental treatment, talk to your doctor about it. Being informed will help you feel more relaxed. Sedation dentistry can help children, those with anxiety and special needs to receive dental treatment. If you qualify for sedation dentistry, you are most probably wondering what options you have and …

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Updated: August 15, 2024

Stress-Free Dental Sedation for Children

child at the dentist

Dental problems in children are a cause of concern for any parent. We want to give our little ones the best start in life, and good oral health education starts early on. However, with all our efforts to keep their teeth clean, they may still need a procedure done at the dentist. So how will …

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Updated: April 9, 2020

How to Know When You’ve Found the Right Sedation Dentist

sedation dentist in St. Louis

Sedation dentistry is very often used nowadays by patients who are struggling with anxiety, mobility issues or other conditions. This procedure allows them to receive dental treatment and be confident and relaxed when on the dentist’s chair. If you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry, you are probably wondering how to find the best …

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Updated: February 4, 2020

How Starchy Food Can Affect Your Child’s Teeth

child eating chips

Many parents don’t know that it’s not only sweets that should be avoided, but also starchy food that might not taste sweet at all, but still break down into sugars. When it comes to their children’s oral health, many parents know that diet plays an important role in how strong our teeth and gums are. …

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Updated: August 15, 2024

Why Does My Child Keep Getting Cavities?

st. louis child with cavity

According to one report, about 42% of kids aged two to 11 get dental cavities. You are aware of the importance of good oral hygiene habits. So, you brush your toddler’s teeth thoroughly two times a day. You are not giving him any candies or sugary drinks and his diet is overall balanced and healthy. …

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Updated: August 15, 2024

How Sedation Can Help You With a Chipped Tooth after an Accident

st. louis man with tooth ache

Chipped teeth can vary in seriousness, but they always involve some damage to the enamel of your tooth. Accidents are often traumatic events, even when they don’t result in injuries. The unexpected unfortunate event can affect your confidence and make you anxious and tired. When you also suffer injuries from an accident, you are dealing …

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Updated: August 14, 2024