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7 Dental Fads You Might Want to Avoid


If you are looking for alternative solutions because of anxiety related to going to the dentist, consider sedation dentistry. Being on the Internet can easily convince you that wonder products exist and they will change your life. Dental care is no exception. You might have already heard about some of the following practices that are …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

6 Fun Dental Apps to Make Your Kid Love Brushing His or Her Teeth


If your child is already using mobile devices and you’re having trouble getting them to brush their teeth, test out some of these apps and find the right match for you! Kids nowadays are familiar with how to use a mobile device, but they still need help when it comes to some basic healthy habits, …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

Is It OK for Your Teen to Continue Seeing a Pediatric Dentist?


They might already have all their permanent teeth or are waiting for only a few more to appear, but their jaw and facial structures are still growing and changing. Many parents are unsure about when it’s time to take their child to a general dentist instead of a pediatric one. Teenagers are already dealing with …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

My Kid Rarely Eats Sweets – Why Does He Still Have Cavities?


Encourage a structured meal program and supervise their brushing at least twice a day to make sure they get rid of plaque. Parents do their best when it comes to keeping their children healthy and teaching them good habits. Dental health is highly regarded in the US, and children are taken to the dentist early …

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Updated: May 31, 2024

What Are the Effects of Laughing Gas?

st. louis woman being sedated at dentist

Sedation dentistry is becoming more and more popular as people want to receive oral health treatment, but are still struggling with dental anxiety. Even if today’s dental offices are friendly and very customer-oriented, many individuals still experience fear when going to the dentist, which is often preventing them from getting the needed treatment. Let’s talk …

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Updated: April 22, 2020